LA Times equals Rashid Khalidi. Why did you write the story in April if it was not important? Why did your "source" give it to you in the first place?

We are waiting for you to release the tape, LA Times! If it was not important, according to you, reveal what is on the tape! American people need to see it. American people deserve to know who is Rashid Khalidi? And why Obama was so close to him?

We respect you protecting your "source" but you should also focusing on Country First. If, in your heart, you know it is Country First, you should release the tape. It is very un-American of you not to release the tape and Barack Obama's motivation and his asssociation with Rashid Khalidi. It is not an issue of politics but "journalistic" you say? Who are you kidding LA Times? What if it was John McCain palling around with PLO terrorist spokesman, or the guys who blow up our buildings? Why did you feature the storyt in LA Times in April? LA Times, free that f**king tape! We demand to know who is this college professor, Rashid Khalidi. And who the hell he is to someone who could be the next president of the United States of America.

Obama is lying about his association with Bill Ayers, Rev Wright, ACORN, telling Americans something and NAFTA something else (according to Hillary Clinton) and now this Rashid Khalidi guy.
