Where is Joe Biden's medical record? Is it ever going to be released?

Joe Biden is not that healthy you know! He has a poor medical record, too. It's been a while since he was nominated as a vice-presidential candidate...What is happening? Where is the record? Why are there no press people looking for his medical history? Why are there so many of them in Alaska? Hey reporterts! This man might be the next VP of the United States in February 2009. This is totally fucked up. So what are you guys waiting for? Go find Joe Biden's medical history. He might die before McCain! Who is going to be there for the Dem? Hillary? No way! Are you smoking crack? Hillary wants to be the president.


  1. Biden where are your health records? You tell lies about everyone and especially about your 'friend' McCain...so are you trying to lie about your medical history too? What happens when Obama has a heart attack and then you have one too? Do we get Hillary or Pelosi? Ugh..what an awful thought! Yep..it's McCain/Palin for President & VP.


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