Sarah Palin could just be our wind of change...

You know, the Republicans just might win this. The majority of Americans are hooked to Sarah Palin, I must say. The economy is in the toilet (and Obama cannot guarantee it is going to be better than good), but throw in a woman governor (ok she's a good governor) and they forget all about the reality of the world. And yet the reality is this: that woman governor -- Sarah has a story as Martin Luther King had a dream. many Americans are tired of listening about Obama's change and hope. It is too much.
Sarah Palin promised to make things suck less. And that is why she is very popular and believable.

And the Dems are disappointing many Americans. Playing nice doesn't work, as the Republicans prove time and time again. McCain is the new believable change agent. Palin is a veteran reformer. The earth is flat. The sky is green. And I am queer. Enough of change and hope. It is too much. Just make things suck less.
