Oprah: "Not now, Sarah"

Sarah Palin: The most formiddable woman in 2008. Sorry Oprah.
Oprah Winfrey is an idiot. What an idiot! Why? She could have just said "sorry Sarah, but I am supporting Obama, not you" to Sarah Palin. And everyone will feel a little sad and also a little better. It is her show after all and she can invite whoever she wants. As the world's most powerful "journalist" she showed the worst example this week. She is freedom of speech gone bad. It seems like Oprah would rather be dead than to promote Sarah Palin on her show before the general election because she is obviously afraid. And Sarah Palin would be an idiot to accept her invitation later.

Oprah should not be biased against people (especially the consumers who buy her advertisers' products). She owes Sarah Palin an apology. She also owes Sarah's supporters an apology, too. Her viewers are the consumers and many of them are not Obama's fans. Without them her advertisers will not spend million of dollars on The Oprah Show. Without their money Oprah is nothing. She forgot about that and she forgot to count her blessings this week.

Sarah Palin's fans must move on (stop watching Oprah) and snap out of it. Oprah is only good for Obama. For someone who once said that "success without honor is like an unseasoned food, it fills you up but tastes no good" Oprah has just lost six of her fans today. Me included. You go Tyra!

Unfair...our former idol, Oprah Winfrey
