Male chauvinist pig: Democrats want democrats in the White House than Obama as the president

Ok guys, do you think it is planned? If it was, then he is a moron. It is the cheapest shot of cheap shots. People are talking (and more often that not, arguing) about the things Obama said yesterday. Obama and his "You can put lipstick on a pig" remark.

Obama is also the same guy who said McCain has 7 houses.

But what they didn't know is that Obama would have 7 homes, too! If he had bought a house at $300,000.00 each! He would have 7. He only have one -- a very very very expensive house. Really, he could have been 7 altogether. Obama makes stupid mistakes and says stupid things.


Read what Obama said...OBAMA: That's not change. That's just calling something the same thing something different. But, you know, you can't? ?you know, you can put lipstick on a pig; it's still a pig.

Read what Sarah Palin said...GOVERNOR PALIN: I love those hockey moms. You know they say the difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull? Lipstick.

What a famous line! You know, if Barack Obama would have said this he would have said this a couple of weeks ago when it was still cute and famous. I would have bought that he wasn't belittling Sarah. Did you hear his audience's reaction? It shows that they knew exactly what he was trying to say. They laughed like crazy.

Obama doesn't even know who Sarah Palin is.

I think so too. Either that or he is too disturbed and rattled by the hockey mom.

Obama has stood up for women across America his entire campaign? He only stood up to Hillary when he needed her. He said she should be on everyone's shortlist. But did he put her on his list? No. That is beyond dumb.


You know, there's only one thing worse than a male chauvinist pig.

Know the difference between a male chauvinist pig and a woman? Lip gloss.


I think many many women and men think it is said in very poor taste coming from a presidential candidate.

What about our oil dependency?.

We are too dependent on foreign oil. Do you think hockey mom should stop driving?

I don't know. I don't think this is going to the issues. But ask Oprah or Michelle Obama. Maybe they can answer that.

Women don't need to drive because there's no road between the bedroom and the kitchen?

Yesterday, Glenn Beck said: "Look, you can say a million times, you put lipstick on a pig... I think John McCain even said, you know, Hillary Clinton's healthcare package, you know, you put lipstick on a pig, it's still a pig. That's not a funny line. That's a line that, you know, may have come out of the medieval period. I mean, it's not something that you hear, you know, "You can put lipstick on a pig..." (laughing). Where is that? Where is that coming from? You've heard that line a million times. It's not a funny line. But listen carefully to the crowd and ask yourself, why are they laughing that hard at this line? Uh huh. Uh huh. Okay. Well, let's just put it this way. Barack Obama certainly has the experience to give speeches. He has no more experience than Sarah Palin, than John McCain in giving big speeches. He's been giving speeches now for a very long time, but maybe he doesn't have the judgment necessary to give speeches because it doesn't matter. Here's what's going to happen. Republicans are going to say, "Oh, look, he's... and I'm not a Republican, but I'm a conservative and I don't buy it." These people have such double standards every step of the way. They can take apart women, they can take apart anybody. They can say? ?they've got a Klans member in the Senate! Oh, I'm sorry, a former Klans member. You know, pretty much once a Klans member, always a Klans member. They have a former Klans member in the Senate. That's totally fine. But anybody who makes some sort of a comment about a 90 year old man at his birthday party, oh, my gosh, he's a racist. But not the former Klans member. He's totally cool. These people live in the world of double standard."
