Charles Gibson gives journalism a bad name

Did you watch Charles Gibson interviewing Sarah Palin on ABC News on Sept 11?

What we've learned:

We should have looked into the history and count how many state governors who have become president or vice president and ask them how many foreign leaders they met and how many foriegn trips they made before they took office. And, as for the Bush doctrine, we should have also compiled the names of senators and governors who can and cannot quote it or remember it or guess it. In the end, it was Charles Gibson who looked rather stupid and bad. It was unforgivable, unacceptable and inexcusable. It was a sad day for journalism.

Ambrose Aban:
I support both Obama and McCain - for better or worse. But as an international observer, I thought Charles Gibson was dirty. He played dirty. He went out there not to help Sarah Palin to tell her story, he went out there to kill her, to see her fall flat on her nose...and he went out there hoping to be the first journalist to destroy her. No? Charlie Gibson had a chance to show that he could be fair and balanced with Sarah Palin’s first major interview. This is only my p.o.v and I thought he was unfair and unprofessional. Even the LA Times saw Gibson’s distortion and criticized him for that.

Phil Spencer:
I am a proud democrat...but I am not a blind democrat. I can see. And what I saw was a seasoned journalist who has broke his spine. He needs to grow a new spine! And, like million of other democrats out there, I want democrats to run the White House MORE than Obama be the next president. Honestly. I totally agree -- Charles Gibson blew it, taking quotes out of context, getting basic facts wrong. It was obvious. It doesn't take even a blind democrat or a republican to see the obvious. He was out of line, out of character...he is dangerous to our country. He should do the same with Biden and Obama -- trap them with trivia questions and see what happens...

George Tyler:
I am a proud republican. And as I see it, Charles Gibson is out of it. He lost his magic touch. What he did was unforgivable, inexcusable. Heis the reason why Obama is losing in the poll...

GIBSON: You said recently, in your old church, “Our national leaders are sending U.S. soldiers on a task that is from God.” Are we fighting a holy war?

PALIN: You know, I don’t know if that was my exact quote.

GIBSON: Exact words.

PALIN: But the reference there is a repeat of Abraham Lincoln’s words when he said — first, he suggested never presume to know what God’s will is, and I would never presume to know God’s will or to speak God’s words.

But what Abraham Lincoln had said, and that’s a repeat in my comments, was let us not pray that God is on our side in a war or any other time, but let us pray that we are on God’s side.

That’s what that comment was all about, Charlie.

GIBSON: I take your point about Lincoln’s words, but you went on and said, “There is a plan and it is God’s plan.”
What she actually said:

“Pray for our military men and women who are striving to do what is right. Also, for this country, that our leaders, our national leaders, are sending [U.S. soldiers] out on a task that is from God,” she exhorted the congregants. “That’s what we have to make sure that we’re praying for, that there is a plan and that that plan is God’s plan.”

Chris Goodridge:
Totally untrue, but that’s what he gets for relying on the Associated Press, which took the liberty of bowdlerizing her quote mid-sentence in order to make it fit the narrative they were trying to build of her as some fundie who thinks she can read God’s mind. Here’s my post on the subject from last Thursday. Read it and see just how egregious the distortion here is.

Jefferey Johnson:

I just finished watching both ABC News and I was okay with it for the first 5 minutes but when Gibson looked down his little nose at her disapprovingly and said ‘Why don’t you tell me what you think the Bush doctrine is……’he lost me. This one is going to backfire on the media once again. He blew it, women hate being patronized and women watching that are only going to see him trying play “gotcha” with Palin and her fan club is going to grow. What a jerk. He gets a gift handed to him and the most he can do is patronize her and try to trick her. Idiot.”

Ambrose Aban:
This is a lame interview. Charlie belittled her, chopped up her answers, seems repulsed, and sighed. What the hell is that? I've never seen him like this with any other politician. He needs to resign cos he has been on air for far too long now.

George Tyler:
L.A. Times Criticizes Gibson for Mischaracterizing Palin’s Prayer. She answered the question just fine. The media is running a hatchet job on her. Obama has NEVER been scrutinized like this guy Charlie Gibson has done to Palin.

Ambrose Aban:
Enough with the global warming stuff! Gibson just can’t get over the fact that it may not be caused by man! Keeps hammering Palin on it. She answered the question just fine. The media is running a hatchet job on her. Palin held her own in a difficult interview. She will survive to fight on and will in the end come off looking better than Gibson.

Phil Spencer:
The liberals will have a few talking points that will look mean and stupid to anyone with a brain and that will be that. Her popularity will grow because Gibson didn’t play fair. The libs can’t help themselves now, they are in self destruct mode. It will get worse and worse and in the end they will explode. Watch Biden try to step down this week. The Obama campaign has become a parody of itself. No matter what it does it can’t change that image, they can only reinforce it. The pig thing was Obama’s macaca moment.

George Tyler:
I guess Obama thought he had this election in the bag, now he is trailing in the poll. The arrogance of this man is truly amazing. And the questions that Gibson was asking Palin, should’ve really been pointed at Obama or Biden - asking her if she had enough experience being a major of a small town, governor in a sparsely populated state, never having traveled overseas, etc.

Ambrose Aban:
As if Obama has. He’s done what exactly? And he’s running for the #1 spot. Sorry, but living in Indonesia when you were a kid doesn’t qualify you to have foreign “experience”.

Jefferey Johnson:
After watching the interview again, I came away with a better impression of Palin. I thought she was more nuanced in her answers about the Bush Doctrine. I myself am still wondering which version of the “doctrine” Gibson was referring to: preemption? democratization? with us or against us?

Chris Goodridge:
Also, I think she looked thoughtful — and reminded me of how my aunt answers questions. She’ll try to dissect the question a bit before answering. I used to make the mistake thinking she didn’t understand the question in the first place. So, all in all, I’ll stick with my B-, but only because the interview was so bad, not Palin necessarily. Also, I thought the edits were terrible. What I thought were repetitive statements were simply poor edits. I’m glad I watched this again.

Phil Spencer:
The McCain/Palin campaign should issue a memo of “clarification” after all of the interview with Gibson has been broadcast. It should state plainly that Gibson’s and ABC’s implications that Palin banned books, fired librarians, that she supports a holy war, etc., are all false. Just a simple, unemotional correction of the record.

Ambrose Aban:
Big blunder putting her up for this interview? Not really. They’ve already been beaten up for keeping her under wraps. The worst is over now that she’s had her baptism of fire, and undoubtedly she’ll be more prepared in the future. Meanwhile, since the majority of the public already realizes that the MSM is in the tank for Obama, I doubt that this interview will do any harm. Obama did not have to answer questions. He was not asked about his experience. No traps were attempted. Thru it all Charlie prayed to the almighty one. I’m glad to see I wasn’t the only one who noticed Charlie Gibson’s patronizing, condescending interview of Sarah Palin.

Jefferey Johnson:
Charlie’s demeanor and tone was such that I’d never seen him question any other interviewee in that way - low tone; looking down his nose over his glasses; at times stretching his body to sit taller in the chair to look further down at Sarah. Third, the questions were rapdid fire, stacatto as if he were trying to confuse to the point she would hopefully give a bad answer - almost not letting her finish the previous answer. Fourth, at times he would sigh (Al Gore type) when she didn’t answer quick enough or give the answer he was looking for.

Ambrose Aban:
If Sarah Palin considers Charlie Gibson one of the fairest interviewers, journalism is in trouble. He may be fair, to the point of being soft with liberals, but not conservatives. After all is said and done, I think Sarah Palin handled “Charlie” quite well and gave straight forward, confident answers. Charlie Gibson is the one who looked bad.
