Be gay or have kids?

There seems to be a new trend going on in the LGBT community.
Gay men are getting more and more interested in having and raising kids -- yes the baby gay boom is here -- and many gay men want to be daddies. They are tired of being gay, single, fabulous, gorgeous, social and up for endless anonyous sex. A recent report in Details suggested that there "appears to be a boom in homo men having babies". Most gay men are opting for an IVF procedure usign an egg from a donor placed in the body of a different woman, who carries the embryo to term. This is is called gestational surrogacy and is favored because in some states it gives the carrier no legal rights to the chid she gives birth to. It works for single gay men or gay couples who just want to be dads. According to the story, gay couples and single men are investigating IVF and many homo men have decided to go it alone. Being a single gay dad is -- there's no other word for it - hot. Evidence of the gayby boom is everywhere. It isn't the baby strollers in gayborhoods. They're even talking about having a family week on Fire Island this summer. That tells us something.
