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The Un-Conservative Effects of Opposing Gay Marriage
by Dale Carpenter | May 24, 2007

By blocking gay marriage, conservatives are helping create new rights for unmarried couples — straight as well as gay. [go to for more]

Being Christian
by Jennifer Vanasco | May 23, 2007

Gays need to remember that “Christian” doesn't equate with “enemy,” just as Christians need to know that religiosity doesn't excuse intolerance. [go to for more]

Give Up on McGreevey
by James Kirchick | May 18, 2007

We wouldn't accept heterosexuality as an excuse for behavior like the former New Jersey governor's. Gays should stop letting him hide behind homosexuality. [go to for more]

The Round Mound of Profound
by Richard J. Rosendall | May 17, 2007

In his no-nonsense advocacy of gay equality, Charles Barkley shows the same disarming grace and power that his basketball playing did. [go to for more]

Civil Unions, Not Marriage, for New York
by James Kirchick | May 13, 2007

Gov. Eliot Spitzer's promise to enact same-sex marriage is admirable, but it's also a waste of effort. Civil unions are the smarter bet. [go to for more]

Pay Your Money, Choose Your Radicals
by Dale Carpenter | May 10, 2007

Cherry-picking the works of radical writers to prove that gay unions will damage marriage — or bolster it, for that matter — is a silly way to debate. [go to for more]

Abortion Is Not a Gay Issue
by James Kirchick | May 4, 2007

Pro-choice activism is a liberal cause, not a gay one. In fact, someday it could backfire by helping homophobic parents abort fetuses with “gay genes.” [go to for more]

Crosscurrents in 2008
by Richard J. Rosendall | May 3, 2007

The presidential field offers no one major candidate who stands out as pro-gay. But multiple candidates are gay-friendly, a sign of how far we've come. [go to for more]

A Big (Gay) Italian Wedding
by John Corvino | May 3, 2007

It was a traditional wedding—except, that is, for the two grooms. And it was an example of how the cultural battle for equality can be won. [go to for more]

ENDA Won't End Bigotry
by James Kirchick | April 27, 2007

The Employment Non-Discrimination Act is worth having on grounds of equal treatment. But the law won't make people nicer, and shouldn't try. [go to for more]

David Blankenhorn’s Causal Casuistry
by Dale Carpenter | April 26, 2007

Unpack a new book's arguments linking same-sex unions with anti-marriage views, and all you’ll find is intellectual guilt by association. [go to for more]

Appreciating Gay Maturity
by Paul Varnell | April 25, 2007

Time compresses, energy declines, and no one calls you “dude.” But aging brings focus, stability, empathy—and the chance to set an example for younger gays. [go to for more]

Listening to God—and Gays
by John Corvino | April 17, 2007

Even—perhaps especially—for Christians who condemn homosexual behavior, loving homosexual people means listening to our stories. [go to for more]

The Hate Crimes Temptation
by Dale Carpenter | April 13, 2007

Public gestures against intolerance have their place. But purely symbolic criminal laws, like the proposed federal hate-crimes statute, are a bad idea. [go to for more]

Apollo and the Midnighter
by Paul Varnell | April 11, 2007

Gay characters and same-sex love are entering mainstream comics—and aren't being treated as laughing matters. It's another sign of cultural normalization. [go to for more]

Gay Rights or America-Bashing?
by Richard J. Rosendall | April 5, 2007

When the U.S. government reports on gay-rights abuses abroad, what do some leftists do? Criticize the U.S., of course. [go to for more]